Jason's Anime Nirvana

Some Little Known & Intriguing DB/DBZ/DBGT Facts

DB/DBZ/DBGT Saiyan Transformations
DB/DBZ/DBGT Villain Details
Saiyan Transformation Pics
DBZ/DBGT Fusion Pics
Some Little Known & Intriguing DB/DBZ/DBGT Facts
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters
Yu-Gi-Oh Millenium Items
Inuyasha Anime Overview
Inuyasha Characters
Inuyasha's Tetsusaiga Page
Sesshomaru's Tenseiga Page

Why Some Saiyans Have Abnormal Traits:
The topic that I would like to cover first is the saiyan's "tail". Every "Full-Blooded" Saiyan has one. When a Saiyan looks at the full moon while their tail is intact, they transform into what is known as an Oozaru which is like a type of giant monkey. Their power level inreases 10 fold as opposed to their "humanoid" Saiyan form. Please note that there is also a form of Oozaru known as the "Golden" Oozaru, which boasts a hefty power level of 100 fold than that of their humanoid form; both of which can found on the "Saiyan Transformation Pics" Page. The Saiyans without tails are Goten, Trunks, Bulla, & Pan. The reason for this must be as far as I can tell is that they're not "pure" Saiyans. Another thing that I would like to touch upon briefly is that Trunks & Bulla don't have black hair or eyes. Again, same thing. They must have inherited those traits from their mother, Bulma. And finally one last topic that I would like to bring up, is the color of SSJ4 Goku's and Vegeta's eyes. I've noticed that the color of whichever character's eyes one refers to is the same color as that Saiyan's clothing. I don't know if it was done on purpose, or not , but whatever the case, it's pretty cool, don't ya think? That's all for now. Later!!!!!