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Sesshomaru's Tenseiga Page

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Sesshomaru's Tenseiga Page

This is Sesshomaru's Sword Known as the Tenseiga:




This is an interesting sword weilded by Sesshomaru.

This sword was made by Toutousai using another one
of Inutaisho's fangs. It is basically the opposite
of Tetsusaiga having the power to heal 100
people in one swipe of it's blade. Because
of this Sesshomaru despises Inuyasha because
he thinks he has no use for Tenseiga, but his father
gave the strong sword to Inuyasha. However,
Sesshomaru does use his sword eventually first to
revive Rin and then to revive Jaken and he also uses it many other times.
Tenseiga's ONLY attack:
Unknown name (tenseiga swipe): Heals 100 people in one swipe by killing demons that take people's souls away.